Supplying Diversified Power 

Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) has a generation mix that reduces risk, promotes reliability, and provides cost-effective service. We work hard every day to find balanced, environmentally sensitive energy solutions that meet our members' growing demand for electricity.

Members receive energy generated from a variety of sources including: hydroelectricity, coal, wind, natural gas, nuclear, and fuel oil. All of our long-term S-1 power supply members have allocations of federal hydroelectricity and they purchase, on average, about 40 percent of their power and energy needs from the federal government’s Western Area Power Administration (WAPA). The remaining power comes from coal, wind, nuclear, solar, and two peaking facilities.

MRES also has municipal capacity contracts with some of its members that it can call upon, when needed. These small generating units are located, owned, operated, and maintained by member utilities. 

Power Portfolio

Read more about our Generation Resources.

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