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This two-day conference is a necessary introduction to the world of public power and the responsibility of governing and operating the utility in your community. The first day focuses on the electric industry, our world of public power and your relationship with MRES. The second day focuses on governing your community and utility to be the best that it can be. It is a huge responsibility to govern and operate a local utility and this will greatly increase your knowledge and understanding all around. The MPLA is offered once a year in September. Please check the Event tab for more details on the academy.


Where can I go for more information and details after the MPLA? Once you attend the MPLA, your city/utility will receive one toolkit that includes many webinars and resource books to help you on your journey. Unable to attend the MPLA but need these resources? Contact us to find out about our cost-share of this incredible resource for our members.

LEAD Course

What makes someone a good leader? Are leaders only individuals in supervisory positions? The Leadership Excellence and Development or LEAD Course is designed for utility and/or city staff at all levels who are now, or aspire to become, leaders and influencers in their work. This one-year / four-session course will provide a wealth of knowledge, awareness, perspective, and skill development that is needed for your utility and city. This course runs April-November and you must commit to all of the sessions. Please check the Event tab for more details on the course.

LEAD On Leadership Cohort

Ever wonder how other utilities or individuals are addressing the challenges in their life? Need to phone a friend? The MRES LEAD On Leadership Cohort provides a unique opportunity for LEAD Course graduates to experience additional resources and opportunities and continued interaction to learn and work together. The Cohort will consist of assessments, accountability partner pairing, an online interactive whiteboard space for collaboration, quarterly newsletters and Webex meetings, and a possible annual networking event. These small group interactions enrich the experience offering diverse perspectives, a robust accountability system and an enduring support network.


These assessment tools can be a great addition to leadership development. Lumina Spark and Leader assessments help you understand how your personality affects your leadership style. It provides self-awareness, strengths, weaknesses, points to blockers and potential blind spots as well as recommendations on how to temper or avoid them. It enhances your ability to communicate and work effectively with others more deeply.

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