House Bill Introductions

HF 7 (Long): A bill to establish a 55% RES, a 100% carbon-free mandate, and conforming language to the Integrated Resource Plan. See also companion bill SF 4.
Status: Introduced 1/4/23. Referred to Climate and Energy Finance and Policy. Set for hearing 1/18/23. Passed (10-7) 1/18/23.

HF 26 (Koegel): A bill to appropriate transportation funds to further transportation grants/awards under the federal IIJA. See also companion bill SF 24.
Status: Introduced 1/4/23. Referred to Transportation Finance and Policy. Set for hearing 1/12/23. Set for hearing 1/17/23. Committee recommends Do Pass; 1/18/23. Placed on House calendar for 1/23/23.

HF 49 ( Richardson): A bill to require renewable development account grantees to engage in diversity reporting. Bill also requires utility reporting on diversity in hiring and vendor contracting. See also companion bill SF 315.
Status: Introduced 1/4/23. Referred to Climate and Energy Finance and Policy. Set for hearing 1/17/23. Heard in committee. Held over for possible inclusion in omnibus bill 1/17/23.

HF 156 (Feist): Requiring specific billing treatment for electric meters/utility service in mobile home parks.
Status: Introduced 1/9/23. Referred to House Housing Finance and Policy.

HF 178 (Stephenson): A bill to exempt home energy storage systems from personal property taxes. See also companion bill SF 369.
Status: Introduced 1/9/23. Referred to Taxes.

HF 198 (Keogel): A bill to clarify a member of a public board/committee may attend remotely from a private place as long as there is public access to the meeting. See companion bill SF 455.
Status: Introduced 1/9/23. Referred to State and Local Government. Set for hearing 1/19/23.

HF 250 (Quam): A bill to place a tax on alternative fuel vehicles.
Status: Introduced 1/11/23. Referred to House Transportation.

HF 341 (Igo): A bill to repeal the state prohibition on nuclear power plants.
Status: Introduced 1/17/23; referred to Climate and Energy Policy and Finance.

HF 342 (Igo): A bill to establish that it is state policy to promote the development of carbon capture and sequestration technology. See also companion bill SF 298.
Status: Introduced 1/17/23; referred to Climate and Energy Policy and Finance.

HF 343 (Igo): A bill to removed the cap on hydropower for the renewable energy standard. See companion bill SF 299.
Status: Introduced 1/17/23; referred to Climate and Energy Policy and Finance.

HF 387 (Swedzinski): A bill to allow a certificate of need for nuclear power.
Status: Introduced 1/17/23; referred to Climate and Energy Policy and Finance.

HF 388 (Buckel): A bill clarifying the interagency meetings in the state administration should be held to public meeting requirements. See also companion bill SF 262.
Status: Introduced 1/17/23; referred to Judiciary and Civil Law.

HF 393 (Stephenson): A bill to establish a new complaint resolution process for customers with IOU complaints.
Status: Introduced 1/17/23; referred to Climate and Energy Finance and Policy. Set for hearing 1/24/23. Set for hearing 1/24/23.

HF 413 (Stephenson): A bill to establish a state rebate program, a state grant program, dealership training, and other programs to promote electric vehicles.
: Introduced 1/17/23; referred to Climate and Energy Finance and Policy. Set for hearing 1/25/23.

HF 521 (Quam): Establishing funding to research the use of hydrogen at nuclear plants.
Status: Introduced 1/18/23; referred to Climate and Energy Finance and Policy.

HF 528 (Swedzinski): Requiring participants of community solar gardens to reside in the same county as the facility. See also companion bill SF 342.
Status: Introduced 1/18/23; referred to Climate and Energy Finance and Policy.

HF 587 (Kraft): A bill to establish a grant program to assist with the impacts of climate change.
Status: Introduced 1/19/23; referred to House Climate and Energy.

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