Strategic Planning

Does your utility know where it wants to be in 5 years? Has your city or utility developed a strategic course and is everyone working in the same direction to achieve this vision? Every successful city and utility, regardless of size, establishes long-term plans, strategies and guidelines on which to base budgets and priorities. Our guided strategic planning process helps utility managers, city administrators and governing officials chart a course for the city and utility that translates the vision into strategic priorities with measurable goals.

View Strategic Planning Brochure

Team Building

Do you have new employees or a new leader? Do you feel like your city or utility is operating in a team environment? Would you like to see your team performing at its best? Team building is a core strength for any successful organization. Some key outcomes in this process are the value of communication, analyzing and working together for a common goal, project communication and reacting to changing goals or resources.

View Team Building Brochure

Lumina Spark

We all think and make decisions differently. We are always reminded that awareness of others and one’s self is a key attribute in leadership and team building. Lumina Spark and Leader assessments are tools that can help you understand how your personality affects your leadership style. It provides self-awareness, strengths, weaknesses, points to blockers and potential blind spots as well as recommendations on how to temper or avoid them. It enhances your ability to communicate and work effectively with others more deeply.

View Lumina Spark Flyer

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